WT.Social Registration Tutorial Video

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Nat Giffney

    How is WT:Social funded?

  2. WTCommunity Admin

    I believe by the own wealth of the founder

  3. EveryBuddhaSamePrice

    Not an easy place to navigate. Starting with the video…why not just have “JOIN” right up on the front page because though I registered, I couldn’t find out how to “join” or to be offered the various groups to join.

    1. Ronjo

      Why would registration and joining be separate tasks?

      1. WTCommunity Admin

        You can join to WT.Social and register here the forums. different places

  4. Kevin McCarthy

    Hello, I’m getting an error saying that my password isn’t strong enough. There are upper and lower case letters, it is 10 characters, contains a number and a symbol… thus meeting all the requirements.

  5. Patty M

    I registered but saw nothing like the sign up windows in the video.

  6. Gleaf2

    I am still struggling join! Why is it so made difficult? I have registered, know there is a waiting list but still can’t get on it!

    1. WTCommunity Admin

      I think It’s not difficult, fill the form, join, done.
      You might be wait if don’t want pay a contribution.

      1. msaint

        WTCommunity Admin, your many errors in your return comments make you sound like a mechanical ASIAN robot. And there are too many ridiculus, uneccesary turns and hoops to jump through to just do ordinary tasks. Makes me think this is a bunch of BS.

  7. Yvonne Eva

    Hello, would like to try community. Unable to play video and unable to sign up. Link to set password sent to my email responds as “broken”. A little help with instruction is appreciated

  8. Ruben Arroyo

    Hello, I am very interested in signing up, but when I tried to register, it said that my email was already used, and when I tried to reset password, it told me that there was an error. Please let me know what I would need to do to register. Also, underneath this section, it asks for my website. Do I need a website to sign up?

  9. Gordon Skene

    I am signed up – I get a blank screen – I try another way – get a log-in page – log-in page refreshes and goes nowhere. Is this site actually up and functioning? I had this problem a few weeks ago and it miraculously was fixed. Now it’s gone back to being a blank page and dead-sign in page. Aside from commenting on this video, there is no way to contact support or get any sort of updates. This is very frustrating.

  10. Scott Hermann

    I am having same issue as Godon Skene here search this page for his name he mentioned getting a blank screen and I’m a user there should be no issues I have not been spaming self promotion or anything so can’t image being booted 4 days after joining. I tried to do a forgot password and it said accoutn cant be accessed contact us so I emailed them. The wt.social site won’t load at all on my phone ( blank ) but on my laptop I can see the site fine. i just can’t remember my pw. saving your passwords makes it where you can’t remember any of them.

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